fertilization guide

Cereal fertilization guide

Cereals are easily adapted to a wide variety of soils.

In deep fertile, medium to heavy, well-drained soils, wheat exploits moisture and nutrients and achieves high yields.

Barley, due to its small biological cycle and its resistance to high temperature and drought, takes advantage of the shallow soils of dry areas.

In waterlogged soils, the plants suffer from diseases and reduce yields, so should be excluded from the cultivation of cereals.

Regarding acidity, they grow normally and produce high yields in a pH range of 5.5 to 7.5, with wheat and barley preferring most alkaline, while rye and oats the most acidic soils.


Modern varieties of winter cereals require favorable soil-climatic conditions and adequate nutrients levels in order to increase their productive potential of crop. To achieve high yields of grains and maintain soil fertility, depending on the plant species of the variety and amount of rainfall, the cereals require the following fertilization units:

Fertilization units (kg/hectare)
Soft wheat150 – 18050 – 8050 – 80
Durum wheat140 – 16040 – 6050 – 60
Barley80 – 12040 – 5040 – 50

In cereals, the robust growth of plants and the achievement of high yields on grain, require the satisfactory supply the crop with Nitrogen and Phosphorus. The adequacy of these elements at particular stages of development, decisively influences the evolution of the culture and shapes the final height and qualities of production:

  • ● From sowing until the beginning of tillering, Nitrogen and Phosphorus favor the development of rich root system and promote the absorption of water and nutrients, as well as the grain filling in later stages of development. The basic fertilization of the crop with these elements is a prerequisite for good crop establishment and growth of vegetative organs.
  • ● At the stage of tillering, Nitrogen and Phosphorus promote the formation of productive tillers, increase the number of ears and total leaf area per hectare and create the conditions for high productivity of the crop.
  • ● At the stage of culm elongation, Nitrogen sufficiency helps tillers to survive, increases the number of ears per hectare and the number of grains per ears, prolongs plant life and increases fruit production.
  • ● At the stage of ear emergence, Nitrogen prolongs the activity and life of leaf, increases weight of grain and its protein content and improves production quality, especially durum wheat.

The basic fertilization is absolutely necessary because it is impossible to grow cereals and achieve high yields in low fertility soils without sufficient nutrients. In determining the quantity and type of fertilizer to be used, must be considered the structure of the soil, the amount and the distribution of annual rainfall in the area.

Apply all the quantity of Phosphorus required (30-60 kg/ha) and 1/2 or 1/3 (50-80 kg/ha) of total Nitrogen to cover the need for the formation of organs (leaves – root), ensure robust plant growth during winter and encourage tillers formation to the next stage of development.

Because the rate of uptake of nutrients in the initial stages of crop development is slow, it is recommended to apply fertilizers rich in Ammoniacal or Stabilized Ammoniacal Nitrogen (Opera – Omega fert – NutrActive), in order to avoid losses due to leaching.

Cereals fertilizing
Type of FertilizerStage of applicationDosage (kg/ha.)

Dekastim turbo Micronutrients 18-18-0 (+38) + 0,1Cu
Dekastim turbo Micronutrients 18-23-0 (+23) +TE
Dekastim turbo Micronutrients 15-25-0 (+29) +TE
Dekastim turbo Micronutrients 10-25-0 (+20) +TE
NutrActive extra Micronutrients smart 24-12-0 (+20) + 0,01Zn
NutrActive extra Micronutrients 20-10 20-10-0 (+23) + 0,01Zn
NutrActive extra Micronutrients mega-Phos 9-26-0 (+16) + 0,01Zn
NutrActive expert 20-20-0 (+22)
NutrActive ultra-Phos 8-22-0 (+22)
Ωmega fert 16-20-0 (+32)
Ωmega fert 8-22-5 (+17)
Nutriphos 20-10 20-10-0 (+23)
Nutriphos classic 16-20-0 (+32)
Nutriphos agri-Phos 6-20-0 (+22)

Basic fertilization


250 – 300 kg


* The dosages mentioned are indicative. Regarding the fertilizing of crops, one should take into account the advice of local agronomists.


The top-dressing fertilization supplies the rest of the total amount of Nitrogen in one or two applications, depending on the type of crop. In soft wheat, it is recommended to apply a single application during the tillering stage, while in the durum wheat an additional application can be made before the ear emergence, in order to increase production and improve the quality of grains.

Nitrogen requirements and the exact time of application, are determined by the density of plants per square meter (m2).

  • ● In fields with low density plants required early top-dressing fertilization (before or at the start of tillering) with high Nitrogen levels in order to enhance the number of tillers.
  • ● In fields with high density plants required later top-dressing fertilization (after mid-tillering) and conservative Nitrogen levels in order to avoid susceptibility to diseases and lodging.

It is recommended to use Nutrammon and Nitrocan fertilizers that have a balanced relationship between Ammoniacal and Nitric Nitrogen and ensure both immediate and long-term nutrition of the crop.
Especially, prior to and during the tillering stage, it is recommended to use the NutrActive and Omega 26N fertilizers, which provide adequate nutrition to plants even in the last critical stages of ear emergence and filling of grains, significantly increasing production.

Cereals fertilizing
Type of FertilizerStage of applicationDosage (kg/ha.)

Dekastim turbo Micronutrients nitrocan special 27-0-0 +5MgO +0,2B
Dekastim turbo Micronutrients 27N 27-0-0 (+30) +TE
Dekastim turbo Micronutrients sulfogran 21-0-0 (+58)
Dekastim 40-0-0 (+14)
NutrActive extra Micronutrients boro-plus 26-0-0 (+27) +0,3B
NutrActive novacan 27-0-0
NutrActive sulfocan nitro 24-0-0 (+14) +11CaO
NutrActive 27N 27-0-0 (+27)
NutrActive sulfogran 21-0-0 (+58)
NutrActive uflex 40-0-0 (+14)
Ωmega nutrammon 33,5-0-0
Ωmega nutrammon 34,5-0-0
Ωmega nitrocan 27-0-0
Ωmega 26N 26-0-0 (+29)
Ωmega sulfogran 21-0-0 (+58)
Nitrocan 26-0-0
Nutrammon 33,5-0-0
Nutrammon 34,5-0-0
Fertammon 26 26-0-0 (+29)
Sulfogran 21N 21-0-0 (+58)

Top-dressing fertilization

(before or during tillering)

20 – 30 kg

* The dosages mentioned are indicative. Regarding the fertilizing of crops, one should take into account the advice of local agronomists.

(Basic – top-dressing fertilization)

  • ● Διασφαλίζουν την ομαλή και ολοκληρωμένη θρέψη των σιτηρών με όλα τα απαραίτητα θρεπτικά στοιχεία.
  • ● Προστατεύουν το Άζωτο στο έδαφος, ελέγχουν την παροχή του στην καλλιέργεια και ελαχιστοποιούν τις απώλειες λόγω έκπλυσης και εξαέρωσης.
  • ● Παρεμποδίζουν τη δέσμευση του Φωσφόρου και των Ιχνοστοιχείων στο έδαφος και τα διατηρούν ενεργά και αφομοιώσιμα για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα.
  • ● Συγκρατούν σε ανταλλάξιμη μορφή το θρεπτικά κατιόντα (K, Mg, Ca) του λιπάσματος και αυξάνουν την πρόσληψη και τη διαθεσιμότητά τους για τα φυτά.
  • ● Ενεργοποιούν αδιάλυτες μορφές θρεπτικών στοιχείων που προϋπήρχαν στο έδαφος, και τα καθιστούν εκμεταλλεύσιμα για τα φυτά.
  • ● Διαθέτουν ισχυρή βιοδιεγερτική δράση, ενισχύουν τη γονιμότητα του εδάφους και βελτιώνουν τα αγρονομικά χαρακτηριστικά της καλλιέργειας.
  • ● Αυξάνουν τη συνολική επιφάνεια του ριζικού συστήματος για ευκολότερη πρόσληψη των θρεπτικών στοιχείων και του νερού.
  • ● Διεγείρουν το φυτικό μεταβολισμό, ενισχύουν τη φυσική άμυνα των φυτών και περιορίζουν τις επιπτώσεις των αβιοτικών καταπονήσεων.
  • ● Επιτυγχάνουν υψηλές στρεμματικές αποδόσεις και άριστα ποιοτικά χαρακτηριστικά σε όλους τους τύπους των εδαφών.
  • ● Διεθνώς πιστοποιημένα λιπάσματα, ελληνικής παραγωγής, ελεγμένα ως προς την ασφάλεια, την ποιότητα και την απόδοσή τους στο χωράφι.

(Basic – top-dressing fertilization)

  • ● Prolonged nutrition of the crop with slow-release Nitrogen
  • ● Complete nutrition, according to the requirements of the crop at each stage of development
  • ● Minimized losses due to leaching and vaporization
  • ● Increase of yield per square kilometer due to the regular supply of both Nitrogen forms to the plants.
  • ● Robust root system growth and improved water and nutrient uptake.
  • ● Flexibility in the fertilization application timing and guaranteed Nitrogen supply under all weather conditions.
  • ● Possibility of early application of surface fertilization in dry or wet areas without the risk of losing the fertilizer
  • ● Save in fertilization application workload and cost due to decreased applications.

(Basic – Top-dressing fertilization)

  • ● Protecting fertilizer nutrients from soil components and increasing their availability to cereals.
  • ● Increased uptake and utilization of Phosphorus and basic cations (K, Mg, Ca) by plants, for a
    long time.
  • ● Chelating of the Trace Elements (B, Zn) of the fertilizer, keeping them active for the plants in
    periods of high demand.
  • ● Immediately and long-term supply of Nitrogen, adapted to the needs of the cereals.
  • ● Creating a strong root system, for better uptake of nutrients and water.
  • ● Reducing the water stress of plants, in conditions of low soil moisture.
  • ● Mobilization of the bound nutrients of the soil and their utilization by the crop.
  • ● Rich in Sulphur, improve the exploitation of Nitrogen and Phosphorus.
  • ● Integrated nutrition and higher yields, in any soil and climate conditions.

(Top-dressing fertilization)

  • ● Supply the crop with fully water-soluble and assimilable Nitrogen and provide them with the energy required for rapid growth.
  • ● Their chemical composition improves the uptake of other elements (K, Ca, Mg), promotes the fruit setting and contributes to increase production.
  • ● They have little effect on soil acidity and demand lower water requirements compared to other Nitrogen fertilizers.
  • ● Increase yields and protein content of grains, improving the quality of the cereal.

(Top-dressing fertilization)

  • ● Άριστος εφοδιασμός των σιτηρών με Άζωτο & Θείο για βέλτιστη ανάπτυξη και υψηλή παραγωγικότητα.
  • ● Μεγιστοποιούν την αξιοποίηση του Αζώτου από τα φυτά, χάρη στη συνεργιστική δράση με το Θείο.
  • ● Εξασφαλίζουν τη θρεπτική επάρκεια της καλλιέργειας με Άζωτο σε όλες τις φάσεις της ανάπτυξης.
  • ● Ευνοούν τη δημιουργία εύρωστων φυτών, με πλούσια φυλλική επιφάνεια και έντονη φωτοσυνθετική δραστηριότητα.
  • ● Αυξάνουν την περιεκτικότητα των παραγόμενων προϊόντων σε πρωτεΐνες και υδατάνθρακες.
  • ● Διεγείρουν τη σύνθεση οργανικών ενώσεων που ενισχύουν την αντοχή των φυτών σε ασθένειες.
  • ● Προωθούν την ανάπτυξη του ριζικού συστήματος για την ευκολότερη πρόσληψη των θρεπτικών στοιχείων και του νερού.
  • ● Μετατρέπουν τον Φώσφορο και τα Ιχνοστοιχεία του εδάφους σε αξιοποιήσιμα ιόντα για τα φυτά.
  • ● Εφοδιάζουν το έδαφος με Θείο. Βελτιώνουν τη δομή και τη γονιμότητά του.
  • ● Μπορούν να εφαρμοστούν τόσο με λιπασματοδιανομέα όσο και μέσω των συστημάτων υδρολίπανσης.
  • ● Εγγυώνται μεγάλο πλάτος εφαρμογής και ομοιόμορφη κατανομή των θρεπτικών στοιχείων στο χωράφι.
  • ● Επιτυγχάνουν υψηλές στρεμματικές αποδόσεις και άριστα ποιοτικά χαρακτηριστικά σε όλους τους τύπους των εδαφών.

Cereals are easily adapted to a wide variety of soils.

In deep fertile, medium to heavy, well-drained soils, wheat exploits moisture and nutrients and achieves high yields.

Barley, due to its small biological cycle and its resistance to high temperature and drought, takes advantage of the shallow soils of dry areas.

In waterlogged soils, the plants suffer from diseases and reduce yields, so should be excluded from the cultivation of cereals.

Regarding acidity, they grow normally and produce high yields in a pH range of 5.5 to 7.5, with wheat and barley preferring most alkaline, while rye and oats the most acidic soils.


Modern varieties of winter cereals require favorable soil-climatic conditions and adequate nutrients levels in order to increase their productive potential of crop. To achieve high yields of grains and maintain soil fertility, depending on the plant species of the variety and amount of rainfall, the cereals require the following fertilization units:

Fertilization units (kg/hectare)
Soft wheat150 – 18050 – 8050 – 80
Durum wheat140 – 16040 – 6050 – 60
Barley80 – 12040 – 5040 – 50

In cereals, the robust growth of plants and the achievement of high yields on grain, require the satisfactory supply the crop with Nitrogen and Phosphorus. The adequacy of these elements at particular stages of development, decisively influences the evolution of the culture and shapes the final height and qualities of production:

  • ● From sowing until the beginning of tillering, Nitrogen and Phosphorus favor the development of rich root system and promote the absorption of water and nutrients, as well as the grain filling in later stages of development. The basic fertilization of the crop with these elements is a prerequisite for good crop establishment and growth of vegetative organs.
  • ● At the stage of tillering, Nitrogen and Phosphorus promote the formation of productive tillers, increase the number of ears and total leaf area per hectare and create the conditions for high productivity of the crop.
  • ● At the stage of culm elongation, Nitrogen sufficiency helps tillers to survive, increases the number of ears per hectare and the number of grains per ears, prolongs plant life and increases fruit production.
  • ● At the stage of ear emergence, Nitrogen prolongs the activity and life of leaf, increases weight of grain and its protein content and improves production quality, especially durum wheat.

The basic fertilization is absolutely necessary because it is impossible to grow cereals and achieve high yields in low fertility soils without sufficient nutrients. In determining the quantity and type of fertilizer to be used, must be considered the structure of the soil, the amount and the distribution of annual rainfall in the area.

Apply all the quantity of Phosphorus required (30-60 kg/ha) and 1/2 or 1/3 (50-80 kg/ha) of total Nitrogen to cover the need for the formation of organs (leaves – root), ensure robust plant growth during winter and encourage tillers formation to the next stage of development.

Because the rate of uptake of nutrients in the initial stages of crop development is slow, it is recommended to apply fertilizers rich in Ammoniacal or Stabilized Ammoniacal Nitrogen (Opera – Omega fert – NutrActive), in order to avoid losses due to leaching.

Cereals fertilizing
Type of FertilizerStage of applicationDosage (kg/ha.)

Dekastim turbo Micronutrients 18-18-0 (+38) + 0,1Cu
Dekastim turbo Micronutrients 18-23-0 (+23) +TE
Dekastim turbo Micronutrients 15-25-0 (+29) +TE
Dekastim turbo Micronutrients 10-25-0 (+20) +TE
NutrActive extra Micronutrients smart 24-12-0 (+20) + 0,01Zn
NutrActive extra Micronutrients 20-10 20-10-0 (+23) + 0,01Zn
NutrActive extra Micronutrients mega-Phos 9-26-0 (+16) + 0,01Zn
NutrActive expert 20-20-0 (+22)
NutrActive ultra-Phos 8-22-0 (+22)
Ωmega fert 16-20-0 (+32)
Ωmega fert 8-22-5 (+17)
Nutriphos 20-10 20-10-0 (+23)
Nutriphos classic 16-20-0 (+32)
Nutriphos agri-Phos 6-20-0 (+22)

Basic fertilization


250 – 300 kg


* The dosages mentioned are indicative. Regarding the fertilizing of crops, one should take into account the advice of local agronomists.


The top-dressing fertilization supplies the rest of the total amount of Nitrogen in one or two applications, depending on the type of crop. In soft wheat, it is recommended to apply a single application during the tillering stage, while in the durum wheat an additional application can be made before the ear emergence, in order to increase production and improve the quality of grains.

Nitrogen requirements and the exact time of application, are determined by the density of plants per square meter (m2).

  • ● In fields with low density plants required early top-dressing fertilization (before or at the start of tillering) with high Nitrogen levels in order to enhance the number of tillers.
  • ● In fields with high density plants required later top-dressing fertilization (after mid-tillering) and conservative Nitrogen levels in order to avoid susceptibility to diseases and lodging.

It is recommended to use Nutrammon and Nitrocan fertilizers that have a balanced relationship between Ammoniacal and Nitric Nitrogen and ensure both immediate and long-term nutrition of the crop.
Especially, prior to and during the tillering stage, it is recommended to use the NutrActive and Omega 26N fertilizers, which provide adequate nutrition to plants even in the last critical stages of ear emergence and filling of grains, significantly increasing production.

Cereals fertilizing
Type of FertilizerStage of applicationDosage (kg/ha.)

Dekastim turbo Micronutrients nitrocan special 27-0-0 +5MgO +0,2B
Dekastim turbo Micronutrients 27N 27-0-0 (+30) +TE
Dekastim turbo Micronutrients sulfogran 21-0-0 (+58)
Dekastim 40-0-0 (+14)
NutrActive extra Micronutrients boro-plus 26-0-0 (+27) +0,3B
NutrActive novacan 27-0-0
NutrActive sulfocan nitro 24-0-0 (+14) +11CaO
NutrActive 27N 27-0-0 (+27)
NutrActive sulfogran 21-0-0 (+58)
NutrActive uflex 40-0-0 (+14)
Ωmega nutrammon 33,5-0-0
Ωmega nutrammon 34,5-0-0
Ωmega nitrocan 27-0-0
Ωmega 26N 26-0-0 (+29)
Ωmega sulfogran 21-0-0 (+58)
Nitrocan 26-0-0
Nutrammon 33,5-0-0
Nutrammon 34,5-0-0
Fertammon 26 26-0-0 (+29)
Sulfogran 21N 21-0-0 (+58)

Top-dressing fertilization

(before or during tillering)

20 – 30 kg

* The dosages mentioned are indicative. Regarding the fertilizing of crops, one should take into account the advice of local agronomists.

(Basic – top-dressing fertilization)

  • ● Διασφαλίζουν την ομαλή και ολοκληρωμένη θρέψη των σιτηρών με όλα τα απαραίτητα θρεπτικά στοιχεία.
  • ● Προστατεύουν το Άζωτο στο έδαφος, ελέγχουν την παροχή του στην καλλιέργεια και ελαχιστοποιούν τις απώλειες λόγω έκπλυσης και εξαέρωσης.
  • ● Παρεμποδίζουν τη δέσμευση του Φωσφόρου και των Ιχνοστοιχείων στο έδαφος και τα διατηρούν ενεργά και αφομοιώσιμα για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα.
  • ● Συγκρατούν σε ανταλλάξιμη μορφή το θρεπτικά κατιόντα (K, Mg, Ca) του λιπάσματος και αυξάνουν την πρόσληψη και τη διαθεσιμότητά τους για τα φυτά.
  • ● Ενεργοποιούν αδιάλυτες μορφές θρεπτικών στοιχείων που προϋπήρχαν στο έδαφος, και τα καθιστούν εκμεταλλεύσιμα για τα φυτά.
  • ● Διαθέτουν ισχυρή βιοδιεγερτική δράση, ενισχύουν τη γονιμότητα του εδάφους και βελτιώνουν τα αγρονομικά χαρακτηριστικά της καλλιέργειας.
  • ● Αυξάνουν τη συνολική επιφάνεια του ριζικού συστήματος για ευκολότερη πρόσληψη των θρεπτικών στοιχείων και του νερού.
  • ● Διεγείρουν το φυτικό μεταβολισμό, ενισχύουν τη φυσική άμυνα των φυτών και περιορίζουν τις επιπτώσεις των αβιοτικών καταπονήσεων.
  • ● Επιτυγχάνουν υψηλές στρεμματικές αποδόσεις και άριστα ποιοτικά χαρακτηριστικά σε όλους τους τύπους των εδαφών.
  • ● Διεθνώς πιστοποιημένα λιπάσματα, ελληνικής παραγωγής, ελεγμένα ως προς την ασφάλεια, την ποιότητα και την απόδοσή τους στο χωράφι.

(Basic – top-dressing fertilization)

  • ● Prolonged nutrition of the crop with slow-release Nitrogen
  • ● Complete nutrition, according to the requirements of the crop at each stage of development
  • ● Minimized losses due to leaching and vaporization
  • ● Increase of yield per square kilometer due to the regular supply of both Nitrogen forms to the plants.
  • ● Robust root system growth and improved water and nutrient uptake.
  • ● Flexibility in the fertilization application timing and guaranteed Nitrogen supply under all weather conditions.
  • ● Possibility of early application of surface fertilization in dry or wet areas without the risk of losing the fertilizer
  • ● Save in fertilization application workload and cost due to decreased applications.

(Basic – Top-dressing fertilization)

  • ● Protecting fertilizer nutrients from soil components and increasing their availability to cereals.
  • ● Increased uptake and utilization of Phosphorus and basic cations (K, Mg, Ca) by plants, for a
    long time.
  • ● Chelating of the Trace Elements (B, Zn) of the fertilizer, keeping them active for the plants in
    periods of high demand.
  • ● Immediately and long-term supply of Nitrogen, adapted to the needs of the cereals.
  • ● Creating a strong root system, for better uptake of nutrients and water.
  • ● Reducing the water stress of plants, in conditions of low soil moisture.
  • ● Mobilization of the bound nutrients of the soil and their utilization by the crop.
  • ● Rich in Sulphur, improve the exploitation of Nitrogen and Phosphorus.
  • ● Integrated nutrition and higher yields, in any soil and climate conditions.

(Top-dressing fertilization)

  • ● Supply the crop with fully water-soluble and assimilable Nitrogen and provide them with the energy required for rapid growth.
  • ● Their chemical composition improves the uptake of other elements (K, Ca, Mg), promotes the fruit setting and contributes to increase production.
  • ● They have little effect on soil acidity and demand lower water requirements compared to other Nitrogen fertilizers.
  • ● Increase yields and protein content of grains, improving the quality of the cereal.

(Top-dressing fertilization)

  • ● Άριστος εφοδιασμός των σιτηρών με Άζωτο & Θείο για βέλτιστη ανάπτυξη και υψηλή παραγωγικότητα.
  • ● Μεγιστοποιούν την αξιοποίηση του Αζώτου από τα φυτά, χάρη στη συνεργιστική δράση με το Θείο.
  • ● Εξασφαλίζουν τη θρεπτική επάρκεια της καλλιέργειας με Άζωτο σε όλες τις φάσεις της ανάπτυξης.
  • ● Ευνοούν τη δημιουργία εύρωστων φυτών, με πλούσια φυλλική επιφάνεια και έντονη φωτοσυνθετική δραστηριότητα.
  • ● Αυξάνουν την περιεκτικότητα των παραγόμενων προϊόντων σε πρωτεΐνες και υδατάνθρακες.
  • ● Διεγείρουν τη σύνθεση οργανικών ενώσεων που ενισχύουν την αντοχή των φυτών σε ασθένειες.
  • ● Προωθούν την ανάπτυξη του ριζικού συστήματος για την ευκολότερη πρόσληψη των θρεπτικών στοιχείων και του νερού.
  • ● Μετατρέπουν τον Φώσφορο και τα Ιχνοστοιχεία του εδάφους σε αξιοποιήσιμα ιόντα για τα φυτά.
  • ● Εφοδιάζουν το έδαφος με Θείο. Βελτιώνουν τη δομή και τη γονιμότητά του.
  • ● Μπορούν να εφαρμοστούν τόσο με λιπασματοδιανομέα όσο και μέσω των συστημάτων υδρολίπανσης.
  • ● Εγγυώνται μεγάλο πλάτος εφαρμογής και ομοιόμορφη κατανομή των θρεπτικών στοιχείων στο χωράφι.
  • ● Επιτυγχάνουν υψηλές στρεμματικές αποδόσεις και άριστα ποιοτικά χαρακτηριστικά σε όλους τους τύπους των εδαφών.